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- Album175
- Period...
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- Camp Life 5
- Transport 4
- Samoan Occupation 3
- Portrait 2
- YMCA 2
- 28 Maori Battalion 1
- Logistics 1
- Nurses 1
- Troop ship 1
- Keyword...
- Ship 4
- Training 3
- Medical Corps 2
- Aerial Photographs 1
- Camel Corps 1
- Medal 1
- Mt Felix Hospital 1
- Postcard 1
- Unit...
- New Zealand Field Artillery 15
- Auckland Mounted Rifles 13
- New Zealand Medical Corps 13
- Wellington Mounted Rifles 13
- Canterbury Mounted Rifles 10
- 1st New Zealand Rifle Brigade 9
- New Zealand Army Nursing Services Corps 8
- New Zealand Engineers 7
- Samoan Advance Party 5
- New Zealand Mounted Rifles 4
- New Zealand Rifle Brigade 4
- Otago Infantry Battalion 4
- 5th Wellington Regiment 3
- Army Pay Department 3
- Auckland Infantry Battalion 3
- Canterbury Infantry Battalion 3
- Royal Flying Corps 3
- Wellington Infantry Battalion 3
- 1st Field Ambulance 2
- 1st Machine Gun Squadron 2
- 1st Reserves Company 2
- 1st Wellington Infantry Battalion 2
- 2nd New Zealand Rifle Brigade 2
- 3rd Auckland Regiment 2
- 6th Hauraki Regiment 2
- 9th Reinforcements 2
- New Zealand Field Engineers 2
- New Zealand Postal Unit 2
- 10th Nelson Squadron 1
- 12th Nelson Company 1
- 15th (NZ) Camel Company 1
- 16th (NZ) Camel Company 1
- 1st Field Company, NZE 1
- 20th Reinforcements 1
- 23rd Reinforcements 1
- 24th Reinforcements 1
- 28 Maori Battalion 1
- 2nd Divisional Signal Company 1
- 2nd Field Ambulance 1
- 2nd Field Company 1
- 35th Reinforcements 1
- 3rd Auckland Company 1
- 3rd Australian Light Horse 1
- 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade 1
- 4th Battalion, NZRB 1
- 4th New Zealand Rifle Brigade 1
- 4th Reinforcements 1
- 5th Manawatu Squadron 1
- 6th Manawatu Squadron 1
- 8th Reinforcements 1
- Army Service Corps 1
- Australian Army Service Corps 1
- Australian Imperial Force 1
- Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry 1
- Divisional Signals Company 1
- General Staff 1
- Hawkes Bay Company 1
- Imperial Camel Corps 1
- Mounted Field Ambulance 1
- Mounted Rifles 1
- NZ Machine Gun Squadron 1
- Nelson Company 1
- New Zealand Expeditionary Force 1
- New Zealand Machine Gun Squadron 1
- New Zealand Railway Engineers 1
- New Zealand Veterinary Corps 1
- New Zealand Wireless Troop 1
- Otago Mounted Rifles 1
- Royal Army Medical Corps 1
- Wellington East Coast Mounted Rifles 1
- Wellington Infantry Regiment 1
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- Photograph14035
- Period...
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- Egypt 2644
- U.K. 940
- Turkey 827
- Palestine 817
- New Zealand 670
- At sea 637
- France 599
- Belgium 472
- England 257
- Western Front 164
- United Kingdom 136
- Australia 109
- Greece 108
- Samoa 100
- Germany 92
- Jordan 56
- New Zealand 53
- Panama 50
- Malta 45
- Ceylon 39
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- Gibralter 2
- Gibralter 2
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- Serria Leone 2
- Sri Lanka 2
- West Africa 2
- Cyprus 1
- Japan 1
- Luxembourg 1
- Russia 1
- Switzerland 1
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- Hospital 866
- Military personnel, New Zealand 628
- Scenes 610
- Troopship 479
- Camp 327
- NZ officers 308
- Camp Life 291
- Nurses 266
- Leaves and furloughs 245
- Transport 201
- Naval 187
- British Forces 175
- Hospital Ship 175
- Portrait 170
- World War, 1914-1918 - Trench warfare 160
- Horses 151
- Gallipoli 133
- Recreation 126
- Logistics 122
- World War, 1914-1918 122
- Somme II 121
- Mounted Rifles 120
- World War, 1914-1918 - Cemeteries 117
- Sports 115
- Medical Services 107
- Senussi Campaign 107
- Training 107
- Aircraft 100
- Weapons 100
- NZ Mounted Rifles 95
- Australian Forces 94
- Battlefield 89
- nurses 85
- Sari Bair 79
- Prisoners of War 77
- Hospital ship 75
- Conflict 71
- Indian Forces 66
- Air photograph 63
- Turkish Forces 59
- New Zealand. Army. NZEF. Machine-Gun Squadron, 1st 57
- Camels 54
- Parades 53
- New Zealand. Army. New Zealand Rifle Brigade 44
- Occupation of Germany 44
- Artillery 43
- Entertainment 43
- Bridging 42
- Samoan Occupation 40
- Troopships 38
- Egyptian Riots 36
- Vehicles 36
- Tanks 35
- Post Gallipoli 31
- German Forces 30
- Ocean Beach 30
- Walker's Ridge 30
- New Zealand Army Band 29
- NZ Rifle Brigade 28
- Signalling 27
- Commanders 25
- Dugouts 25
- Anzac Day 24
- Catering 24
- Trains 24
- Dead 23
- Advanced Dressing Station 20
- Band 20
- No 2 Outpost 20
- Repatriation 20
- Brocton Camp (England) 18
- Mail 18
- Memorials 18
- Clubs 16
- Mules 16
- Russell Top 16
- Suez Canal 16
- Australian Light Horse 14
- Billets 14
- Bivies 14
- Egyptian Forces 14
- Monuments 13
- French Forces 12
- Gas 12
- Kalid Bahr 12
- Personal effects 12
- Retired Soldiers 12
- War bonds & funds 12
- Michael Offensive 11
- Military camps - England 11
- NZ officer 11
- Unit photo 11
- Infantry 10
- Mascot 10
- Refugees 10
- Military Band 9
- Monash Gully 9
- New Zealand Mounted Rifles 9
- No 1 Outpost 9
- Sport 9
- Balloons 8
- Espionage 8
- Monument 8
- No 3 Outpost 8
- Soldiers - Recreation 8
- Suvla Plain 8
- YMCA 8
- France/Belgium 7
- Funeral 7
- Health 7
- Padres 7
- Pillboxes 7
- Reinforcements 7
- Reunions 7
- Shrapnel Gully 7
- World War II 7
- Celebrations 6
- Memorial service 6
- Obsticals 6
- Parade 6
- Rail 6
- Royalty 6
- Sphinx 6
- Suvla Bay 6
- Armentieres 5
- Church buildings 5
- Correspondents 5
- Engineers 5
- Hill 60 5
- Historic buildings 5
- Miados 5
- Officer Cadets 5
- Ordinance 5
- Politicians 5
- Tents 5
- 4th Infantry Brigade 4
- Atrocities 4
- Austrian Forces 4
- Camel Corps Brigade 4
- Discipline 4
- Entertainment 4
- Group portraits 4
- Horse Maintenance 4
- Landing 4
- New Zealand. Army. NZEF. New Zealand Medical Corps 4
- Plugee's Plateau 4
- Postcard 4
- Prisoners of war 4
- Quinn's Post 4
- Recruiting 4
- Stretcher Bearers 4
- Walkers Ridge 4
- Warships 4
- ANZAC Cove 3
- Arab Forces 3
- Cooks 3
- Dardanelles 3
- Dwellings 3
- First Somme 3
- Gallipoli Peninsula 3
- Hygiene 3
- Kahid Bahr 3
- Medical services 3
- Messines, Battle of, Belgium, 1917 3
- Military personnel, Maori 3
- Naval operations 3
- New Zealand Artillery 3
- No 3 Outpost (Old) 3
- Occupation 3
- Pope's Hill 3
- Prisoners 3
- Recruits 3
- Somme I 3
- Australian Soldiers 2
- Battleships 2
- Camp life 2
- Cemeteries 2
- Daisy Patch 2
- Dental 2
- Dugout 2
- Farewells 2
- Hospital 2
- Instructors 2
- Kamal Ataturk 2
- Military hospitals 2
- Military personnel, Australia 2
- Motor Repair 2
- Mounted Rifle 2
- NZ Forces 2
- New Zealand. Army 2
- No 3 Outpost (New) 2
- Patrolling 2
- Stonehenge (England) 2
- Table Top 2
- Tunnellers 2
- Tunnelling 2
- VC Winners 2
- World War, 1914-1918 - Campaigns - Belgium 2
- Young Men's Christian Association 2
- Agriculture 1
- Birdwood, William Riddell, 1865-1951 1
- Bridges 1
- Church buildings 1
- Cook, Mabel (1887 - 1989) 1
- Cooking 1
- Cooking for military personnel 1
- Dams 1
- Farms 1
- Great Britain. Army. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 1
- Greek Forces 1
- Hospital Train 1
- Hospital train 1
- Hostpital ship 1
- Imperial Camel Corps 1
- Italian Forces 1
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl, 1850-1916 1
- MacLagan's Ridge 1
- Medical Services 1
- Medical service 1
- Military personnel 1
- Mosques 1
- NZ Officers 1
- New Zealand Army Nursing Service 1
- New Zealand. Army. Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment 1
- New Zealand. Army. Pioneer Battalion 1
- Permanent Staff 1
- Persian Gulf 1
- Personal Effects 1
- Personal equipment 1
- Postal services 1
- Pre war 1
- Queen Elizabeth HMS (Ship 1
- Reservoirs 1
- Sling Camp (England) 1
- Soccer Teams 1
- Transportation 1
- Trenches 1
- Unit Photo 1
- Veterinary Services 1
- Water towers 1
- Weapons 1
- World War, 1914-1918 - Campaigns - Palestine 1
- World War, 1914-1918 - Trench warfare 1
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- Leaves 245
- Graves 121
- Ship 92
- Landscape 85
- Weapon 51
- Horses 50
- Troops 49
- Landmarks 48
- Supplies 31
- Tent 29
- Training 29
- American Fleet 27
- Local people 27
- Rail 27
- Postcard 26
- Animals 25
- Camel 21
- Hostilities 21
- Social Life 21
- Bands 18
- Hospital 15
- Medical Corps 14
- Officers 14
- Satire 13
- Sport 12
- Prisoners 11
- Aircraft 9
- Ambulance 9
- Communication 9
- Moustache 9
- Trench 9
- Bedouin 8
- Engineers 8
- ANZAC Day Games 7
- Medical 7
- Vehicle 7
- Casualties 6
- Food 6
- Cycle 5
- Dog 5
- Donkey 5
- Music 5
- Nurses 5
- Water 5
- March 4
- Mounted Rifles 4
- Bivouac 3
- Concert 3
- Gardens 3
- Sick Parade 3
- Tram 3
- Askari 2
- Bugs 2
- Flag 2
- Inspection 2
- Mud 2
- Recreation 2
- Tommy 2
- Truck 2
- Wagon 2
- ship 2
- Anzac Day 1
- Armistace 1
- Boardwalk 1
- Camel Corps 1
- Camouflage 1
- Canterbury Gully 1
- Cathedrals 1
- Church 1
- Flamethrower 1
- Games 1
- Historic buildings 1
- Houses 1
- Hunting 1
- Illustration 1
- Infantry 1
- Official photo 1
- Portraits 1
- Pre WW1 1
- RSA 1
- Reconnaissance 1
- Refugees 1
- Reserve Gully 1
- Roading 1
- Sports 1
- Submarine 1
- Survey 1
- The Front 1
- Tool 1
- Vehicle maintenance 1
- War Graves Commission 1
- YMCA 1
- bands 1
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- WWI Resources24
- Geotags 1068
- OCR 6
- Recollections/Stories 26
- Tags/Captions 198
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